Carrot – Rainbow Blend


SKU: Carrot - Rainbow Blend Category:

Heirloom, Open Pollinated, and Hybrid Varieties
A mix of 4 bright, delicious, and healthy carrots. Blend includes Atomic Red, Solar Yellow, Lunar White, and Cosmic Purple.
Atomic Red Carrot features beautiful red 8-9 inch tapered roots that are sweet and mild flavored. The color and flavor becomes more when cooked. It has Lypocene that is said to help prevent several types of cancer.
Solar Yellow carrot features bright yellow 6-7 inch crunchy textured sweet, juicy roots that are good raw and cooked. It has Xanthophylls that according to the USDA are linked with good eye health.
Lunar White Carrot is an heirloom that was introduced in 1839. It features creamy white, very mild and delicious 8-24 inch roots. It is a vigorous producer. It is more frost tender so harvest in the fall.
Cosmic Purple Carrot is very colorful with it’s beautiful purple skin with a sweet orange flesh and a bright yellow core. The roots are 6-12 inches long, taperered, sweet with a hint of spice, and crunchy. High in Vitamin A. Colorful and sweet when raw and also good cooked, color becomes diffused when cooked. This blend is fabulous blend!
Sowing: Plant in full sun outdoors in spring as soon as soil can be worked. Cover seeds with 1/4-1/2 of an inch of soil. Keep soil moderately moist during germination. Can grow a spring and fall crop.
Germination: 10-15 days Spacing: 2-3 inches apart. Space rows 12-14 inches apart or closer if space is limited. Plant in beds 2-3 inches in all directions. Height: 16-20 inches Days to maturity: 70-75 days Zones: 3-9Information: Light: Full Sun
Information: Can plant at 2-3 week intervals for continual harvest. Planting can continue until mid-July. Carrots grow best in sun, with rich light soil and regular thorough watering. Harvesting: You may need to loosen soil to pull carrots out with out breaking the tops. Trim off foliage to extend storage time. Carrots can be harvested until the ground freezes. Requires a loose deeply worked soil with organic matter to achieve it’s full potential.
Daucus carota

Weight 15 g
Dimensions 4 × 4 in
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