Artichoke – Imperial Star


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Imperial Star artichoke produces big crops of artichokes the first year from seed which is ideal in cool climate areas. Introduced in the 1990’s Artichoke Imperial Star was bred specifically to produce fruits the first year from seed. Plants produce 6-8 mature buds that average 3-4 inches in diameter per plant. The artichokes are globe shaped uniform glossy green and are nearly spineless. Imperial Star has a rich flavor, excellent quality for eating, and is noticeably sweeter and more tender than other artichoke varieties. Artichoke hearts are an elegant addition to salads, appetizers served with sauce, steamed and served with a dipping sauce, melted butter, or mayonnaise. The artichoke is said to be a rich source of vitamin C, dietary fiber, folate, and many minerals. Round flower buds are mostly thornless thus easier to harvest, and buds stay closed longer on the plant so you don’t have to harvest the whole crop at once. Artichokes are exotic additions to the garden or flower border. Plants grow to 3-4 feet tall and are spreading. Can add to the flower garden and let them bloom for a beautiful show. It is easy to grow from seed. An excellent addition to the garden.
Sowing: Start indoors 4-10 weeks early. Vernalize seeds by soaking in water overnight. Drain water and place in a jar filled with moist sand and refrigerate for two weeks. Or you can naturally vernalize them by setting outside in a cold frame or protected area where temperatures are 34-50 degrees F. for a week or more. Bring them inside or protect them if the temperature falls below freezing. After vernalizarion sow seeds 1/4 inch deep in 4 inch pots in sterile seedling mix. Plant in full sun outdoors after danger of frost has passed, but when the seedlings can still receive 10-12 days of temperatures under 50°F, which will induces earlier budding.
Germination: 10-14 days Spacing: Space plants 3 feet apart. Space rows 3-4 feet apart Height: 3-4 feet Days to maturity: 150 days from sowing. Soil: Fertile, rich, well drained with lots of organic matter. Fertilize every month with a nitrogen rich fertilizer. Moisture: Keep it well watered, but do not let the plants sit in water. Keep seedlings and transplants consistently moist. Water well during dry and hot spells.
Information: Mulch plants thickly to keep soil cool, so the plants do not go into dormacy. Harvest flower heads when they are about 4 1/2 inches for best flavor. Harvest before they start to open. Cutting off 1 1/2 inch of the stem with harvested buds. After harvesting a flower head cut remaining stem back to the ground. Can protect for winter, by cutting plants a 6 inches above the ground in the fall and covering with a half bushel basket and mulch over it.
Cynara scolymus
Open Pollinated
Annual or tender perennial

Weight 8 g
Dimensions 3 × 1 × 3 in
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